Max Kulik

Max Kulik

Themes for Apache Guacamole Terminal

Introduction This page is a collection of terminal themes that

Remove Twitter Blue Promotion Buttons 2023

❗This post is currently obsolete. Up-to-date code can be found

Install PNPM on Alpine Linux 3.17

Introduction PNPM is often times used alongside NPM when building

Install Nginx Proxy Manager on Proxmox LXC & Alpine Linux

Introduction Currently the only supported way to install Nginx Proxy

Run Proxmox on OCI - FOR FREE

Introduction This article will walk you through the steps that

Make Transmission WEB-UI Beautiful

Introduction After years of building my collection of Linux ISOs

Allow Read/Write Permission to Wordpress

Introduction Apache 2 - when installed to a Ubuntu server

Proxmox Dark Mode

💡This article is now obsolete. First party dark mode has

Install Dashy on Ubuntu LXC in Proxmox

Introduction I was doing some research on trying to find

My Home-Lab | Update 1

Introduction I use my server to host some of my